Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

"Almost 400 years ago the Pilgrims held a celebration feast to thank You, God, for the blessings in food You provided them. Their heartfelt thanks were genuine and sincere as they clearly understood survival thru the bitter New England was totally dependent on Your Grace. Lord, help us to remember today is no different. While we have warmth and shelter and plenty of food, help us to remember that we also live in Your Time according to Your Plan.

Regardless of our situation, no matter if we are battling disease and illness, or suffering the loss of a loved one, or faced with under-employment and economic distress, or other problems in our lives, we all have many things for which to be grateful. Thank you God for this day we can celebrate with family and friends. Thank you for the simple pleasures-the joys of preparation and cooking, the smiles and laughter, good times remembered, and the bond of faith, family and friends. Thank you for Your continued blessings. Amen."
-Jim West

The other day I received a card with this message inside. Everything in it is so true and genuine. I know that not everyone who is reading this lives in a place where they have a Thanksgiving, but I can guarantee that most people have something that they are thankful for. I am thankful for good health, my life, family, and friends. What are you thankful for?


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