Monday, August 10, 2009

Art Class Watercolor Paintings

I have posted a few photos of paintings that I did in my watercolor painting class. I learned many new techniques, one of which that involves leaves. The first photo is of that new technique. What I did was went out and found some leaves (picked them rather), got my paper completely wet, painted whatever colors I wanted on the front side of the leaf, and then stuck it paint side down onto the wet paper. After the leaves were on there and the paper was still wet, I painted the background. When it was completely dry I peeled the leaves off and the result is the second photo. I love this technique so much that I've done it a few more times at home, producing great results. Maybe I'll post pictures of those at a later date. The third photo is of a mountain scene that I'm still working on. I learned how to do the mountains in class. I have a little more to go on it before I'm finished, even though it does look good how it is.

The Art Center has scheduled one extra class for us because of the mixup of the first class. That will be on August 21. I'm excited to learn more techniques.
