Friday, April 10, 2009

Morton Cure Paralysis Fund hosts their 3rd Annual Spinal Cord Injury Research Symposium

About MCPF taken from their website:

"In 1995, shortly after Christopher Reeve was injured, Peter Morton broke his neck in a bicycle accident that left him paralyzed from the neck down and unable to breathe without a ventilator.

Devastated by the tragic accident, friends turned their hurt into hope. With little more than their dream, That All May Walk Again, they launched a small-town golf tournament to raise funds for spinal cord injury research—and the Morton Cure Paralysis Fund was born. Since those humble beginnings, MCPF has relocated to the Twin Cities and, 13 years later, has now raised over $2.0 million for cutting-edge research.

In addition, MCPF hosts an annual research symposium featuring some of the world's top spinal cord injury research scientists, free to all those affected by spinal cord injury.

MCPF also is a caring resource to those that are newly injured and their families. We know what a desperate and hopeless experience this time can be. Having someone who understands and can help answer questions can be so meaningful during this time.

MCPF has kept total expenses under 10% of revenues, thus investing over 90% of your contributions into research grants that will ultimately benefit those with Alzheimer's, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, and other conditions of the central nervous system. Fed by a dream built on love and friendship, MCPF works hard—That All May Walk Again!"

Peter Morton is an inspiration to all. With his efforts, there is hope.

For those of you who live in Minnesota and want to learn more about the research that is being done to help cure spinal cord injuries, an opportunity arises. On Sunday, May 17, 2009 the Morton Cure Paralysis Fund is hosting their 3rd Annual Spinal Cord Injury Research Symposium. The event is free and will be held at the Earl Brown Heritage Center in Brooklyn Center at 1:30 PM. Refreshments are provided and CEU's are available for medical professionals. If you're interested in going, you can register by clicking here. When you get to the website click on Research Symposium on the right side of the page. I also have a flyer for the event. If anyone would like to obtain a copy via e-mail either for yourself or to send to others, e-mail me at and I will send you a copy. I hope some of you will be able to attend. Thanks.


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