Monday, December 22, 2008

Standing Again

Today I stood for the first time since the week before my recent surgery on December 2. Everything has finally healed and I was able to stand for 28 minutes (14 at 70° and 14 at 90°). Normally, when a person stands after not standing for a while, their blood pressure will usually drop and they will not be able to stand for very long. That's exactly what I thought would've happened to me. I went in the stander expecting the worst and got out feeling great.

My normal blood pressure is usually around 100/60. The lowest my blood pressure got today was 68/43. That is extremely good for me considering my lowest so far in the stander was unreadable (yes, I did almost pass out). The lowest readable blood pressure was 44/31. That's when my eyes start to go black. Probably not a good thing. I am very excited to be standing again. I hope my blood pressure stays where it's supposed to.


"The present is the ever moving shadow that divides yesterday from tomorrow. In that lies hope."
-Frank Lloyd Wright


  1. Hi Jenni,
    Thank you for the update. Sounds like you are taking your standing program slow which is good. Keep up the great work!

  2. ahh u make me nervous Jennifer! So proud of you. Im busy busy working at caribou tonight until xmas eve and day that I have off. I have 1 paper to type this weekend then Im home free from school!!! yay. We should hang next week? what days are u or email me after the holidays, merry christmas and tell the family the same. love u, steph
