Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ouch! Not really.

Today I went to the doctor's office. I scheduled an appointment to get my annual flu shot and a pneumonia shot. When I got there, the doctor started looking through my files and discovered that I actually needed three extra shots. I ended up getting five shots; flu, pneumonia, meningitis, hepatitis A and hepatitis B. Because of where my injury is, I'm really not supposed to feel anything. However, I do have feeling all over. It is best on the top of my forearms. The shot didn't hurt though; I have this way of relaxing my body so that I don't feel any pain.

Tomorrow I have a test for psychology. The tests are only worth 20 points, but it adds up quickly. I hope I'm ready because I chose to update my blog instead of finish studying. Wish me luck!


"The people who say they don't have time to take care of themselves will soon discover they're spending all their time being sick."
-Patricia Alexander

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